In Search of Advent Songs

I want songs that help me wait on God during Advent. After writing Wait a few years ago, I came across some songs by Andrew Peterson that express some of the themes of Advent (which I characterize in the book as Advent past, present and future) as as well as anything I’ve ever heard, and so I want to find some more. As I suppose is fitting with the nature of the season, such songs about waiting on God are probably a bit hidden—often tucked in the corners of some Christmas CDs or other places that are less obvious.

So I’m creating a playlist on Spotify of my favorites, and I’m looking for others to add to it (because as it is right now, the playlist is too short for me to rely on to be my own one-stop-shop for all of my Advent listening needs). Anyone have suggestions? Feel free to listen along this Advent, and if you have a suggestion of a track to add, post it as a comment, por favor.