Michael Hyatt is one of the most helpful bloggers out there, and this is pretty much a direct imitation of his, except that it has to do with my blog. I'm catching up to him in blog traffic, though, because it looks like he only has about 114,000 more people following his blog than I do...
Anyway, incase you missed any of them, here are my most read posts during May 2011:
- One Day Closer to Rain
- A Prayer for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year A)
- You Never Know What Someone Will Remember (so take the chance to do something good)
- A Prayer for the Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year A)
- Wesley's Sermon 19: The Great Privilege of those that are Born of God
- Wesley's Sermon 20: The Lord our Righteousness
- Something I Really Want, but Haven't Learned Yet
- There's a Better Solution than Telling Your Kids You Love Them
- What Made Him Who He Was
- Book Review: Spirituality for Everyday Living by Brian C. Taylor