From The Top 10 on our list of The Best Christian Books for Spiritual Growth

Note from Daniel: It has been nearly twenty years since I first read this book, which introduced me to the practices of silence and solitude in the context of a life of seeking God–particularly in the midst of being involved in ministry. I still re-read it most every year, because its words are full of that much wisdom. Every time I return to it, I am more convinced that I want the kind of life it describes and am stirred to continue pursuing it. 

The Way of the Heart shows us a spiritual path whose steppingstones are: Solitude (learning not to be alone but to be alone with God); Silence (the discipline by which the inner fire of God is tended and kept alive); and Prayer (standing in the presence of God with the mind in the heart).

Distinguished theologian Henri Nouwen brilliantly illuminates each of these disciplines. In reflections that are clear and practical, as uplifting on the fourth reading as on the first, he helps us separate the wheat from the chaff in our spiritual lives - and reconnects us with what truly matters.